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Thiago Vieira

Zapsign - Eu do Futuro

Zapsign - Empresa Moderna

Brahma - Carnaval

PagBank - CAD CDB

Intelbras - Smart Home

No mystery, simple, practical and helps a lot in everyday life!

Rosemeire's Billet

This Halloween, don't let the boleto win!! Take advantage of the Serasa Limpanome Sale and get rid of yours!!

Serasa - Mexican soap opera

No more drama! If you don't have a card like Paola, come to Serasa!!

Serasa - TikToker

Are you out of card? Come to Serasa!

Pan Bank - Black Friday

Want to spend Black Friday in blue? Do like Jojo Todynho, come to Banco Pan!!

EQI - Galvão Bueno

Having the right team makes all the difference. As in football, investing requires dedication and trust in those who are by your side.

Pan Bank - Jojo Toddynho

Your FGTS money doesn't need to be fooling around. Take a look at Jojo Toddynho's tip for you not to leave your money "stranded". 

Positive - Relax

How is your life going? With the new Positivo Master it takes time for you to do Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, knitting and even mold that clay pot you always wanted.

Pix Nubank Campaign

Series of 3 films for Nu Bank's Pix launch.

The world is getting more practical. More connected. Simpler. The world is getting more Nubank.

Nubank - Pix dos Desesperados - With Sérgio Malandro

For you to be smart and not fall for pranks, Nubank called Seginho Malandro to show what Pix in other banks can hide.
We were very proud to be able to do this remake of 90s TV.

Now United / Pepsi - Feel It Now

Now United clip made in partnership with XIX Entertainment. Concerned about the period of social isolation, the global pop group launched this work, filmed in the countries of origin of each member. In Brazil, external and studio filming was done by Frameria. The clip reinforced the branding with Pepsi promoting the new hit, “Feel It Now”, which became a fever in a few hours.

Jessica - Léo Chaves

The work is the first of Léo's solo career that tells a story with characters, and that brings him as the protagonist making a romantic pair with "Jessica" played by Rafa Kalimann - digital influencer and runner-up of BBB20. Scripted by the director, the clip has irreverence and strokes of humor, showing another side of the singer, who reinvents himself with each new work. On launch day, he was an audience leader on YouTube with 2.5 million views organically in less than 24 hours.

Steering reel - Thiago Vieira

In this reel are some of the director's works whose main characteristic is his direction as an actor. He has directed many celebrities achieving a perfect balance between the script and the artist.

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